Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day Nine

The kids had a work day yesterday at Krause Plow. They moved rocks out of a rock garden and then filled it with different rocks.
They made plans to go swimming in the afternoon. But, when I came home to take them to the pool, Gage didn't want to wake up. He finally got up when I said that I would just take David without him. David said he'd been trying to wake him up for a half hour and next time would just jump on him. I guess they're getting more comfortable around each other - I told him to go for it!
David has surprised us by enjoying some pretty spicy foods. Yesterday we went to Newton to eat at China Inn. David tried Srirachai sauce and Gage's Kung Pao Chicken and comment that it wasn't that spicy. I tried Gage's chicken and just about choked! Gage says David is a "good man". So funny!
When we got back to town, they went to Jason's house. Jason was in the Ulster project last year and there was a fairly small group of kids last night. I think a lot of kids are going out of town for the family weekend.
David has decided that he'd like to go shopping. So, we are taking him to Wichita for a shopping trip.

Day Eight

Ropes course - the kids went to Wichita and did a ropes course and some trust exercises followed by an afternoon at All-Star Sports and ice cream from Braums. They had a lot of fun and were very tired by the time they arrived home.
Of course, they weren't tired enough that they didn't plan a party and so they spent the evening at Amanda's house watching Mean Girls.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day Seven

Today the kids had Time of Discovery - where they discuss their feelings and adults are not allowed, other than the facilitator and the counselors. They had their photos taken for the Hutch News and had swing dance lessons.
Dinner was at home, so I made a roast with mashed potatoes and crock pot corn. I explained that I had planned to come home at noon and add potatoes and carrots, but ended up working through lunch. David said that they fix it like that in Ireland as well.
The kids had a dance this evening. When I went to pick them up, I heard them singing karaoke. So funny!

Day Six

Today, the kids took a tour of the city building followed by a pool tourney for the boys at HCC and bracelet making for the girls at Amelia Bedelia's. They had lunch at Bogey's and then spent the afternoon at the Cosmosphere.
We went to another Host Family dinner and had tacos followed by a game and swimming.

Day Five

Happy Fourth of July! Today the kids were in the Fourth of July parade. I misread the schedule and thought they were supposed to wear their red polos, but they were actually supposed to wear their t-shirts. So, I dropped them off and ran home to get the shirts. I picked up Andy, our youth minister, and by the time we made it back to where they'd been parked, not only could I not get down the street, but they were gone. I called Gage and he told me where they were - about 3 blocks away. I was trying to figure out how to get the shirts to them and Andy said he'd just run down and give them to the boys. So - off he went. Then I realized that I could still get down Main street, so I arrived at their location about the same time as he did!
The kids were kind of at the tail end of the parade. They walked behind their float and sang American and Irish songs. They were very energetic and fun!
After the parade, we went to mom and dad's for a little bit and met Pam and Jes, my sister and brother-in-law. Then we went to an Ulster Alumni family for a barbecue. The boys swam. After a couple of hours I'd had enough of the heat and told them to have fun and I'd be back later. When I picked them up later, Gage was pretty sunburned. You could see where he'd tried to put sunblock on and he had sort of a spiral pattern on his chest.
We had hamburgers, hotdogs and brats with red velvet cake for dessert at my mom and dad's before we dropped the boys off at the fairgrounds for fireworks.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day Four

Is it seriously day four already?? Today the only planned activity was church at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church. However, the kids decided to meet up at the mall at 3:00 and then go to a movie.
For lunch we went to El Potrillo because Gage wanted Mexican food and David said he liked fajitas. I think they have the best fajitas and David said he thought they were pretty tasty was well.
I guess they had a good time at the mall and then they went to Transformer's 3 and when I went to pick them up, they, of course, asked to go to a party.
I drove around for about 20 minutes looking for Ellery Barnes house before we finally called her cell phone. She told us how to ge there and we discovered that the address had been transposed in our book. So, I dropped the kids off a little later than expected and since Kai will be in bed, my mom agreed to pick them up.
Gage texted me a little before it was time to be picked up and warned Grandma to bring towels. They both made it into the pool this evening.
David sat and watch tv with us for a little while before he asked to go to bed. I let him know that he need not ask - he can just announce it and head on up to bed!

Day Three

I picked the kids up from Holy Cross at noon today. We went from there to my mom and dad's to introduce David to them and have a little pizza. My dad was surprised that despite David's size, he was able to eat as much pizza as Gage!
This was also David's first opportunity to meet Kai. Kai now thinks that David is his new best friend! They played games for quite at while at mom and dad's house. First, it was a soccer game outside then down to the basement for a few games of Uno.
Soon it was time to go home and get baths before going to paint the float - yeah didn't really think that through well. 24 kids with paint - they got quite a lot of paint on themselves - well, actually more on each other. So, when I picked them up, I hurried them home for a quick change of clothes and it was off to our church, Grace Episcopal, for the host dinner.
We hosted the dinner with Michelle and Bill Waln and Sylvia and Armando Diaz. The food was well received and the kids had a great time up in the youth room.
Afterwards, the kids decided to go over to Mallory Potter's house for an impromptu party which included some of the teens getting tossed or jumping into the pool! My boys were dry when I picked them up and David had had a great time playing a dance game on the wii.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Day Two

I had to go to work this morning. The boys were still sleeping when I left at 7 am. At 3:00, I picked them up and took them to Holy Cross, one of the Catholic churches in town for their first meeting. Their time was spent meeting the other kids and then practicing for the Ecumenical Service.
Parents didn't have to arrive until 5:00, so I went back to work for a bit and then returned to the church before going back. I walked around a bint and finally found out that the parents were meeting in the basement of the church.
The meeting was basically going over what was in the binder's we'd been given the day before containing the schedule and the rules. After the meeting we went to the sanctuary and the American kids led the Ecumenical service.
A dinner was provided by some women of the church. The kids all sat together and seemed to be getting along well. After dinner, the parents went home and the teens stayed at Holy Cross school for a Time of Discovery retreat. Time of Discovery is private - for teens and counselors only and from what I understand - it is a time for the teens to discuss their feelings. Eventually, I believe they are given exercises or topics to challenge their thinking and to foster growth.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


We left for the airport today to pick up the Irish teens. As soon as we arrived at the airport all of the American teens totally blocked the entire hall in the airport. We had to remind them that the plane would not land for another 20 minutes and they needed to not congest the isle.
One of the other moms had her ipad and checked on the status of the flight in real time. She saw as they crossed into Kansas and then updated the kids every 2 minutes or so on their progress. So, we saw exactly when the plane landed.
As passengers started walking by, the excitement elevated. I heard one mom say that she heard someone talk about coming in from Chicago - the same flight that the Irish teens were on. Vicki - one of the people in charge of host family selection and one of the main players that we've been involved with thus far, warned everyone that the Irish counselor would keep the kids on the plane for a bit.
So, I was just standing and chatting with another mom when I heard the American girls start to squeal. I looked and saw a bunch of kids with red polos walking towards us. They had finally arrived!
The American teens had made signs with their Irish teens names on them so they would know immediately which teen they'd been paired with. I saw David and saw him see Gage, but then I lost them in the crowd of kids. (There was an Ulster group from McPherson there as well). David told us that he "wasn't tired in the least". Even though he'd had five hours of sleep in the last 24 hours or so.
After meeting and greeting several kids and meeting the Irish counselors, we were allowed to head home with our new family member.
I had emailed with David's mom earlier in the day and she'd told me that when David had left that morning it was 64 degrees. Well, when he arrived in Kansas it was 107 degrees. He said he could immediately feel the heat hit him when we stepped out of the airport.
David had said that he liked Italian food, so we decided to treat him to a meal at Olive Garden. We arrived to very full parking lot - I guess it was so hot that no one wanted to cook! The boys went to check in and I found a parking lot. We were told it would be 30 -40 minutes before we could be seated and were given one of those vibrating, light up pagers like you get in restaurants. The Irish teens had never seen the pagers - they said that in restaurants there they simply call your name. We explained that they do that here sometimes as well, but that being as busy as they were, we got pagers. We let David hold on to the pager - I know, what a thrill, right? :)
Anyway - I don't know how long we waited, but it was a while. We saw about 4 other Ulster members, one of whom was from Hutch, so we chatted with them while we waited.
David ordered spaghetti with meat sauce and seemed to like it fairly well - he finished his plate!
On the drive home, David commented several times how flat Kansas was. We explained that we live in the plains of Kansas and it is very flat here. I even made a Little House on the Prairie reference and he had heard of the books.
At one point David asked me if we had many "shape". I said: "Shapes? No idea what you're talking about". He said: "Shape - you know like on a farm?". I figured it out: "Oh - SHEEP...yes, we have sheep. But, mostly cows.". He said there are sheep everywhere where he lives. We did point out cows and goats as we passed through Yoder.
By the time we got home we were all yawning and the boys went to bed pretty quickly. I was up for a while longer - I am very excited about the next month and getting to know David better.